United Way annual Day of Caring each year gives local United Way organizations an opportunity to make a difference in locally.  This year the Coronavirus pandemic has caused many nationwide United Way affiliates to cancel any plans.  The United Way Heartland Region took time to consider the annual activity.  Jen Bragg, Heartland Region executive director talks about the difficulty of planning for the event and what the committee decided.

If you are interested in participating in the Summer of Caring, Bragg talks about how to get involved.

Covid 19 has given a new season for experiencing cabin fever.  An expanded Summer of Caring program gives volunteers more time to think about volunteering to help on a project this summer.

Some projects could stretch the program into August. This is the 13th year for the Day of Caring with United Way.  You can register by calling the 211 helpline center.  Or log into helplinecenter.org/huronsummerofcaring