Huron School District is making plans for the coming school year with an August 24 starting day.  While it is difficult to know what the school year will be like with the continually changing Coronavirus issue, options will need to be in place.  Huron School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick issued a statement on his Facebook page covering a variety of issues that are being considered.  Health and safety of staff, students, parents and the public are important to keep schools open.  He talks about that Facebook post.

Nebelsick said they will be developing guidelines for masking and social distancing in the schools which they hope to keep as just guidelines.

They are developing 3 plans for the school year, one if school is in session for all students, a second for distance learning for students not ready to return to the building and the third to be able to transfer to distance learning for short periods of time in case of outbreaks.  Nebelsick said they are creating a medical review committee to advise the district.

In the coming weeks they will be looking at transportation for students getting to school, nutrition, technology issues and more.  Coordination of planning with other districts locally and across the state will be ongoing.  Nebelsick that will be very important.

Updates are posted on the Superintendent’s Facebook page.  “Huron sd Supt”