May 19 was proclaimed at Richard Soma Day in South Dakota by Governor Kristi Noem.  Soma is retiring as principal at Iroquois School after 42 years and a total of 49 years in education.  Soma was greeted with a surprise assembly at the school in the gymnasium and was presented with the proclamation of Richard Soma Day in South Dakota.

Soma is a native of Oldham in Kingsbury county and talks about where he began his teaching career.

To say that the past year dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic with the school was one of the worst would be an understatement.  Soma talks about the difficulties of the last year.

And what will he miss the most.

Soma grew up on a farm near Oldham and still farms today.  After 49 years of teaching what are his other plans for retirement.

Soma was greeted by students, staff and Iroquois School supporters in the gymnasium in the morning on May 19th.


Photo credit” Keloland news