United Way offers Day of Caring and Summer of Caring

Last year due to the Coronavirus, United Heartland Region changed their Day of Caring event in order to adhere to CDC guidelines including social distancing.  They are excited to have the 14th annual event back to the traditional Day of Caring.  It is the second Tuesday in August, it is an opportunity for community members to get together to make a difference and beautify the city.  Jen Bragg, Ceo of the Heartland Region United Way talks about how to get involved.

Last year the Day of Caring was adapted to a Summer of Caring as several projects were spread out over a couple months.  Bragg said that along with the Day of Caring some agencies like to focus on scheduling projects throughout the the Summer as it works better to finish projects earlier in the year.  With both formats available she said it is a perfect opportunity for businesses that like to get their employees involved in community projects.

Find out more by calling the Heartland Region United way at 605-352-3537, call the 211 helpline or email Jen Bragg at [email protected]