United Way Heartland Region Exceeds 2018 Campaign Goal

United Way Heartland Region has surpassed its 2018 campaign goal of $310,000.
Executive director Rhonda Kludt announced today that UWHR has received $362,000 in donations. Kludt says a $56,311.00 donation from Dakota Provisions, a bequest from an estate and a $6,900 first time donation from a local business helped UWHR  reach the final tally.
“We’ve had a significant number of first-time donors this year,” says Kludt. “Many individuals and businesses made this possible. Our community impact projects have had incredible support as well.”
Kludt says the Huron Youth Leadership Council raised over $4000 from the Hegg Brothers Holiday Jam and over $20,000 was raised for the Backpack Program.