In October of 1987 the first Domestic abuse awareness month was recognized. Domestic Violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault and/or abusive behavior as part of a pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another.  The legal description falls short of describing the harm inflicted from it.  In the United States more than 10 million adults experience domestic violence annually.  It is a problem in large and small cities across the country.  The local agency working to assist victims of domestic abuse is the Jan Manolis Family Safe Center.  Director of the center Jan Manolis talks about when the problem was at its worst.

Before the advent of domestic abuse programs and agencies, victims and their support staff tended to think that they were on their own.

The numbers of those impacted are staggering as in South Dakota 27 percent of women and 23 percent of men experience intimate partner physical violence or stalking.  Manolis said those numbers are consistent nationwide.  She also said more populated area tend to have more of an issue, but having local programs in place helps to control the problem.

While living through the abuse and the impact can be devastating and very frightening.  Manolis said once an individual makes a decision that is the most dangerous time of all.

A fundraiser for the Jan Manolis Family Safe Center will be held Saturday at the Crossroads with the Dweebs performing at a Halloween party doors open at 7 the concert is from 8-11 pm.