New Federal Policies On Drug Additction Treatments Intend To Cut Overdoes Death

PR News ProfileThe Obama Administration recently announced new policy that will take significant steps to expand access to drug addiction treatment, prevent prescription overdose deaths and increase community prevention strategies.  Phyllis Baurle is the Clinical Director and Assistant Program Director for Keystone Outpatient Services in Canton. She says it has become a public health priority…

Baurle says Keystone Treatment Center offers a variety of services for their patients, including spiritual counseling as well as Christian counseling. Family programs are also part of the services, where members of the patient’s family spend two days with the patient in different counseling sessions to help work through some of the issues at home. There are currently Block Grant funds in place but…

Baurle says there’s also a problem with insurance coverage for the treatments…

In the forty three years that Keystone has been open, Bauerle says they have never seen these numbers of heroin and opioid addiction cases.