Huron Youth Leadership Council Announces Grant Awards

At a ceremony yesterday at Huron High School, Huron Youth Leadership Council announced the following grant awards:

Destination imagination $250
Quiz bowl $250
Royal Family kids camp $460
Pollinator project $200
Post Prom program $200
Kindness club-middle school/madison school project $300
Key Club $300
Girls on the Run Washington school $350
Backpack program $500
Senior scholarships $500

HYLC is a student-led organization under the auspices of the United Way Heartland Region. Approximately 70 students are involved in the organization that focuses on philanthropy, civic engagement, and volunteerism with a strong belief in mentoring the next generation of leaders.

The United Way grant application period is open. You can find applications at or at the Chamber. Call 353-3537 for more information.