HRMC Hosts Halloween Safety Stop

In an effort to help keep the children of our community safe and reduce injuries from accidents, Huron Regional Medical Center is hosting a “Halloween Safety Stop” on Tuesday, October 31, from 5:00 6:00 p.m. in the HRMC Physicians Clinic parking lot.

Parents and grandparents are invited to drive through the HRMC Physicians Clinic parking lot at 534 Oregon Avenue SE and receive a reflective candy bag, glow items and candy for each child in the vehicle.

This time of year it gets dark earlier and in the excitement of trick or treating, sometimes accidents can happen either because motorists can’t see the children or kids forget to follow safety rules. HRMC encourages parents to make this activity their first stop.

The items are free and available while supplies last. Enter the clinic parking lot from 5th Street and look for directional signs and costumed volunteers.