The Huron School Board took the time to allow Class members from the class of 1968 to view contents of a time capsule that was placed in Huron High School first year in the new building in 1967.  Their was no record of the capsule that was found early on during renovation of the front entrance and offices at Huron High School.  Included in the time capsule was a 1966 annual which would have been the most recent available at the time of sealing it off.  Here is a list of other contents.

Program from Cornerstone Lane Ceremony, Huron Public School District directory, Daily Plainsman from 2/7/1965 and 2/9/1965 (those from the day before and after the bond issue vote for the high school, report from consulting committee of the Huron School survey from 1962, report of study committee of junior high facilities from 1963, election mailer encouraging vote for the bond issue which was held on 2/8/1965, copy of the Huron School district budget and a list of members of a citizen advisory committee and Huron Board of Education from 1967

Board at the time included

Dr. R A Buchanan  chairman
James Venables  vice chair
Dr. G H Chaffey
Helen Buchanan
Harlan Meyer

The contexts will be in the Huron High School commons in a display case.  Right now the school is only open for staff and students.  When the Covid-19 health concern is over it will be open to all.


Pictured Class of 1968 Huron High School present for the reveal of the time capsule:

In back row from left Wes Goehner, Erma Johnston Bosen, BeckieSpalding Freeman, Julie Rogers Gant, Kathy Thomas Ramsell, Barb Bonsteel Peterson and Joan Bischoff Danforth.  Also pictured current Huron School Board members and time capsule committee members Craig Lee and David Wheeler