Governor Willing to Consider Special Session Over Fishing Restrictions

With new fishing restrictions in place in South Dakota on non-meandered lakes more and more people are weighing in, including Watertown Mayor Steve Thorson who says the recent ruling by the South Dakota Supreme Court will have a big and negative economic impact for Northeastern South Dakota.  He’s being critical of the Game Fish and Parks Department for not taking a stronger position

The Watertown Mayor is encouraging Governor Dennis Daugaard to call a special session

Thorson says this decision will create serious economic issues

However Game Fish and Parks Secretary Kelly Hepler disagrees saying his department won’t be taking sides

At a stop in Watertown Wednesday, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daaugard said he would be open to a special session if legislators can become educated and come up to speed on the issue: (dl 68)

The Supreme Court order states that the South Dakota Legislature must determine whether members of the public may enter or use any of the non-meandered water or ice overlying private property for any recreational use such as hunting or fishing. Bodies of water affected by the order include:

  • Caseys Slough, Cottonwood Lake GPA, Dry Lake #1, Dry Lake #2 and Swan Lake in Clark County;
  • Deep Lake and Goose Lake in Codington County;
  • East Krause Lake, Lynn Lake, Middle Lynn Lake and Reetz Lake in Day County;
  • North Scatterwood Lake in Edmunds County;
  • Three Buck Lake in Hamlin County;
  • Bullhead Lake, Cattail-Kettle Lake and Cottonwood Lake in Marshall County;
  • Keisz Lake in McPherson County;
  • Grass Lake, Loss Lake, Scott Lake and Twin Lakes in Minnehaha County;
  • Twin Lakes in Sanborn County;
  • Cottonwood Lake and Mud Lake in Spink County; and
  • Dog Ear Lake in Tripp County.