Cutest Baby Contest Winners Announced

Huron Regional Medical Center hosted its ninth annual Cutest Baby Contest with a total of 72 entries being submitted to HRMC’s Facebook page during the month of March. During the month of April, there were a total of 9,819 votes cast.



Receiving the most votes to earn the “2017 Cutest Baby” title was Sutton Nichole Uttecht, daughter of Bailey Rathjen and Andrew Uttecht. In her entry, they wrote “Sutton loves baths, kisses, and to put anything and everything in her mouth!”  As Cutest Baby, Sutton received an embroidered t-shirt and keepsake blanket, a $100 photo studio credit, a beach bag filled with $100 of games, toys and summer safety gear and an opportunity to star in an HRMC television commercial.






Receiving the next highest number of votes in the contest was Arianna Dominga Lopez, daughter of Julia and Victor of Huron. In the entry, her parents wrote “Arianna is the cutest baby because she puts a smile on the face of every person that looks at her.” As Cutest Baby runner-up, Arianna received an embroidered keepsake blanket and a beach bag filled with $50 worth of toys and summer safety gear.