City Hears Report on Water Damage at Huron Public Library

Water was a major topic of discussion at last night’s city commission meeting.

It has been one of the wettest years on record in Huron and last Friday an additional 3.71 inches of rain fell, according to the National Weather Service.

Huron Library Director Shirley Apley told the city commission due to the rain there is water damage at the public library. She says the water is entered at 5 different points.

Apley says staff used shop vacs to suck up the water.

She says they have determined that water is entering the basement through gas pipes. In the case of the roof leaks, Apley says it’s an old problem that has returned.

Apley says the library budgeted $6,000 for building repairs this year and have already exceeded that by almost $5,000.

Marvie Tschetter spoke to the commission about the continuing problem of water from sump pumps being diverted into the sanitary sewer. Commissioner Doug Kludt pointed requiring sump pumps be installed in a way that directs water to the exterior of the building.

City Engineer Brett Runge says the public needs to be better educated about the problem.

The new ordinance added a section to code which states that no person may discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, sump pump water, groundwater or untreated industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer.