An election forum was held Saturday on the Fine Arts Center for the Huron City Commission seat as well as the Huron School Board.  Today we will preview the city commission candidates with some of their opening remarks.  First off is Drew Weinreis.

Next were the opening remarks from Bridget Carr.

The third candidate for the one city commission seat is Sarah Rogers.

Sarah Rogers is a 14 year veteran with the Huron Police Department, she talks about what she would bring to the commission.

Bridget Carr with Carr Chiropractic talks about her greatest attribute.

Candidate Drew Weinreis with Dakotaland Federal Credit Union answers the question about what he would bring to the city commission.

The city and school election will be Tuesday April 13th and held at the Huron Arena.  There is one commission seat available.  The entire election forum is on the City of Huron youtube page.  Just search for Huron City Commission/Huron School Board election forum.