City Approves Variance Request for Proposed Rental Storage Buildings

The city has approved a variance request that will allow Lori Rathjen and Lean Investments LLC to have a 20 foot rear yard setback at 1075 Lincoln SW where code requires a 30 foot set back.

A building is currently under construction, which will have space for four businesses. Rathjen is planning to add three to four buildings which will be rental storage units.

The proposed rental storage buildings will be setback 20 feet from the rear property line.

The property is outside of city limits. Rathjen has no plans to annex the property into the city. Rathjen has already installed water and sewer and is willing to pay the up charge for being connected to city services outside city limits.

The city approved the request with the condition that no outside storage be allowed.

Also last night, the city held the final reading of an ordinance that reduces the various kinds of malt beverage licenses and South Dakota farm wine licenses to a single license. The change is in keeping with a new state law passed by the 2018 state legislature.