Budget Proposal Includes Sale of WAPA Transmission Assets

President Donald Trump’s new budget proposal could bring higher electrical rates for communities in South Dakota who are served by the Western Area Power Administration.  Among the recommendations being made by President Trump in his budget is selling off the nation’s transmission assets that are currently publicly owned and managed by four federal power marketing administrations across the nation.  Included would be the Western Area Power Administration that sells and delivers wholesale bulk transmission and power to local utilities throughout the northern plains, including South Dakota.  The President’s budget contains a plan to sell those groups that are currently housed within the Department of Energy.  Steve Lehner, who is the General Manager for the Watertown Municipal Utility Department, says that communities served by WAPA could be impacted by the sale of those power assets

The four Power Marketing Administration groups generate dollars for the government by selling electricity.  It’s estimated that WAPA alone generates annual revenues that exceed $1.3 billion dollars.