Work To Begin To Smooth Ride On 21st Street


37-14 road work1Traffic on 21st Street will be snug for the next month. Crews from Asphalt Paving and Materials Company will begin a resurfacing project on the southeast section of 21st from Dakota to Custer Avenues starting today. Inside lanes will be blocked off as needed so workers can replace curb and gutter along the route. Curb and gutter work should last four weeks and wrap up on June 13th. After concrete work with curb and gutter is complete, cold milling and asphalt concrete resurfacing will start. Official say the resurfacing work should take four days total. Traffic will be down to one lane each direction during the milling and overlay operation. A flush seal will follow taking approximately a single day to complete. All time frames for completion of the various aspects of the project are weather permitting. At least one lane in each direction will be open at all times during the roughly five week project.