Wolsey-Wessington Coach Enters Guilty Plea to Driving Under the Influence

A Wolsey-Wessington football and basketball coach has entered a guilty plea to driving a vehicle under the influence of a combination of alcohol and marijuana.

Gordon Hooks-Williams appeared in Beadle County Court today. The court fined Hooks-Williams in the amount of $516 plus court costs of $86.50 and a DUI fee of $50 and ordered him to be a law-abiding citizen for 360 days.

Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says the court granted Hooks-Williams a suspended imposition of sentence which means the conviction will be sealed after 360 days if he has no new criminal convictions.

Hooks-Williams was stopped by a Huron police officer on November 8, around 11:30 pm for speeding. At the time, he was driving a vehicle owned by the Wolsey-Wessington School District.

Hooks-Williams was arrested for driving under the influence, possession of marijuana, ingesting marijuana, obstructing a law enforcement officer, in addition, he was given a ticket for speeding and drug paraphernalia.

A search of Hooks-Williams vehicle revealed a backpack that contained marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

As part of the plea agreement the State dismissed the charges of possession of marijuana and ingesting marijuana, as well as the tickets, the obstruction charge was never formally filed by the State’s Attorney.


(States Attorney Mike Moore)