Winners Set For November General Election


voteMike Rounds, Dennis Daugaard and Susan Wismer were the big statewide winners in Tuesday’s primary election. Rounds took 55 and a half percent of the vote in a five way race to be the Republican choice to run for a seat in the U-S Senate this fall….

PRIMARY MIKE ROUNDS REAXRounds will face Democrat Rick Weiland and Independent Larry Pressler in November. Governor Dennis Daugaard took 80-percent of the statewide to easily defeat challenger Lora Hubbel….

PRIMARY DENNIS DAUGAARD REAXChallenging Daugaard will be Susan Wismer of Britton, who was in the closest race of the night with former State Wildland Fire Head Joe Lowe…

PRIMARY SUSAN WISMER REAXWismer beat Lowe 55-percent to 44-percent.