Williams Sentenced For Assault After Wal Mart Altercation

Screenshot_2014-10-17-11-40-20A Cavour man is headed to prison for seven years after being sentenced on an aggravated assault charge. Defense Attorney Mary Keller painted 28-year-old Donell Williams as a soft spoken, polite man who is in trouble all the time. She said it was important for the Court to realize Williams has been under a great deal of personal stress and admitted that Williams should have handled things differently. Williams is on probation from a 2014 Grand Theft conviction resulting from the staged armed robbery of a Huron gas station last year. He admitted to assaulting Sidney Malone on August 24th with a tire iron after, an altercation early in the day at the Huron Wal-Mart store. Deputy Beadle County States Attorney Dan Nelson told the court that Malone was in fear of Williams after Malone testified against Williams in the Grand Theft case. Malone was a co-defendant in that case and Nelson says that was the reason for the assault. Williams denied the claim by Nelson that he attacked Malone because he testified against him. Williams added he was sorry and takes full responsibility for his actions. In addition to the seven years of penitentiary time, Williams will get credit for 54 days already served and must repay approximately 2300-dollars in restitution for medical bills.