Williams Found Guilty By Jury Of Grand Theft

Screenshot_2014-10-17-11-40-20A five man, seven woman jury has found a Cavour man guilty for his role in the staged armed robbery of a Huron convenience store earlier this year. Donnell Williams was found guilty of grand theft after approximately two-hours and 15-minutes of deliberations. The jurors sent a note out of the jury room about an hour into their deliberations. The note was discussed with lawyers in the chamber of judge Jon Erickson. During closing arguments, Deputy Beadle County States Attorney Dan Nelson told jurors that cellphones tell stories and Donnell Williams cell phone told the story of what happened January 29th at the Northstar Corner Pantry. Nelson said a defense witness admitted in court to telling investigators the phone was Williams. Defense attorney Mary Keller says the only issue in the case is identity and who the identity is of the man in a surveillance video of the robbery. She told jurors she believed the individual could have been a female with small feet. Nelson in his rebuttal countered that claim by taking off his shoe and showing the jurors that is foot appeared small from a distance, even though he shares a size 10 and a half shoe size with Williams. Following the guilty verdict Keller made a motion to continue bond for Williams but Erickson denied the motion and ordered Williams taken to jail. A pre-sentence investigation was ordered but a sentencing date has not been set. Williams could get five years in prison and a 10-thousand dollar fine when sentenced.