Wheeler Testifies On Governor's Criminal Justice Reform Bill

The Governor’s Plan to Improve Public Safety had a public hearing Friday morning before the Senate State Affairs Committee. The comprehensive reform bill came from a series of meetings the past few months.  Minnehaha County States Attorney Aaron McGowan told the committee that it is a well-designed bill and says the proposal gives prosecutors more disgression.  McGowan says cutting back on preliminary hearings will save money and police time…

Aaron McGowan 118c

There were quite a few witnesses who testified against the section that would eliminate the preliminary hearing for misdemeanors.  Huron attorney David Wheeler  testified that the right to a preliminary hearing has been in state law a long time…

David Wheeler 118a

Wheeler says the preliminary hearing acts as a gatekeeper…

David Wheeler 118b

Wheeler says states attorneys are often too busy to hear all the information in a case early on…

David Wheeler 118c 

The bill passed unanimously out of committee and was sent to the Senate floor with a “do pass” recommendation.