Wessington Springs Hit By Tornado One Year Ago Today

Springs tornado1It’s been one year, tonight since Wessington Springs went one-on-one with an EF-2 tornado. The storm sliced through the southeast corner of the Jerauld County seat damaging dozens of homes and flattening multiple long time businesses. Todd Heitkamp with the National Weather Service says as he thinks back on what happened 365 days ago, he’s thankful…


Heitkamp was on station with other forecasters in their office in Sioux Falls and says severe weather activity in previous days gave them a clue South Dakota could be in for bad weather….


The biggest take away from the Jerauld County tornado outbreak for Heitkamp is how well the warning system worked….


Heitkamp will be among those invited as guests to an event commemorating the one year anniversary of the Wessington Springs tornado at an event this evening. Officially, the National Weather Service confirmed 10 tornadoes within the border of Jerauld County within a four hour period.