Wessington Springs FSA Office On USDA's Chopping Block

Some bold budget-cutting moves in the U.S. Department of Agriculture were announced last week by Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack. A total of 259 offices, labs and other facilities will be closed, affecting 46 states, including South Dakota. Seven foreign offices will also be shut down.


Vislack says 131 Farm Service Agency offices around the country will close, including those in Jerauld, Campbell, Jackson and Harding counties in South Dakota….


A public hearing will be held in Wessington Springs, Janurary 23rd at 1:30 PM in the Ag Building. Vilsack says the closures will happen quickly….


Vilsack says the goal is to save 150-million dollars a year in the agency’s 145-billion dollar budget.


(courtesy KWAT Watertown)