Voter To Decided Approval Of Wolsey Fire Protection District


Wolsey FireVoters in a large section of western Beadle County are going to the polls Tuesday to decide whether to form the Wolsey Fire Protection District. Beadle County Auditor Jill Hanson says the idea of formalizing the District has been talked about for awhile and brought to the Beadle County Commission….


If the measure passes Hanson says it would help the Wolsey Fire Department with costs and funding…


Voting is being held at the Wolsey Community Hall from seven a-m to seven p-m. Registered voters in the towns of Wolsey, Broadland and Virgil can vote in the election. Also eligible to vote are residents in all of Allen, Hartland, Wolsey, Vernon and Dearborn townships along with the eastern half of Wessington, southern half of Broadland and northern half of Kellogg townships.