Voleskey Trails Jackely In Dakota Wesleyan Poll On Constitutional Offices

A newly released poll indicates many South Dakotans are undecided in the races for state constitutional offices.  The Dakota Wesleyan University Tiger poll shows that Republican candidates lead Democratic candidates in the contests for state attorney general, treasurer, auditor, secretary of state, and public utilities commissioner.  In the tightest race, that for state treasurer, Republican Rich Sattgast holds a 31 to 26 percent lead over Democrat Tom Katus with 40 percent of respondents undecided making the race a statistical dead-heat.  Crossover votes were almost even with six percent of identified Democrats supporting Sattgast and four-percent of identified Republicans supporting Katus.  On the other end of the spectrum, 50 percent of respondents said they would vote for Republican incumbent PUC candidate Dusty Johnson compared to 18-precent for Democrat Doyle Karpen and 30-precent undecided.  However 27 percent of identified Democrats surveyed indicated they would vote for Johnson while three-percent of identified Republicans support Karpen.  In other races Republican incumbent attorney general Marty Jackley holds a 46 to 28 percent lead over Democrat Ron Volesky with 23-percent of respondents undecided.  For state auditor republican Steve Barnett has the support of 43 percent of respondents as opposed to 25 percent for Democrat Julie Bartling and 32 percent undecided.  And for Secretary of State, Republican Jason Gant received 35 percent of support from respondents with 23 percent for Democrat Ben Nesselhuf, and two-percent for Constitution candidate Lori Stacey with 38 percent undecided.   DWU students conducted the statewide phone poll of 400 voters between September 20th and October 6th.  Its margin of error is plus or minus five percent.

(courtesy KORN, Mitchell)