Barring an objection from Edwin Thompson’s lawyers, video cameras will be permitted to film the closing arguments in Thompson’s second degree murder trial. As media pool members were setting up equipment for the first ever audio recording of South Dakota trial court proceedings. Circuit Judge Jon Erickson told pool members if they wanted to set up a camera it would be fine, as long as the lawyers agreed. Erickson e-mailed Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore and Thompson lead council Ron Volesky. Moore said yes and Volesky had yet to reply. Dexter Gronseth, Media Coordinator for South Dakota Supreme Court proceedings and Assignment Editor for KELO TV, which is supplying the pooling equipment, says today’s events are historic….
Gronseth says a long road is coming to an end…
[audio:|titles=dex2]Coverage will be provided live, online and over the airwaves on a number of outlets across the state.