"Verto's Law" One Step From Governor's Desk And Approval

vertosA bill that would help the City of Huron be able to serve alcohol in it’s event center is continuing it’s fast track to approval. House Bill 1210 would allow a city or town  to issue an on-sale license to a municipal auditorium or public convention hall. As proposed, the bill would remove a provision that says only a muncipality with a population over 35-thousand could issue such a license. It also ads sporting events to the langauge. Republican Representative Dick Werner of Huron told the Senate Commerce and Engery Committee the legislation is not just a “Huron issue”….


HB 1210 passed out of the House on a 53 to 2 vote. Yvonne Taylor with the South Dakota Municipal League says her group has held meetings in Huron before, but would not, if alcohol sales were not available…


Senator Bill Shorma of Dakota Dunes moved “Do Pass” on the bill…


Senator Jim Bradford of Pine Ridge believes small communities will benefit by HB 1210’s passage…


The next stop for House Bill 1210 is the full Senate floor for consideration on Tuesday February 16th. If the measure gains approval in the Senate, the bill will head to Governor Dennis Daugaard’s desk for his signature. The bill will immediately become effective at that time.