"Verto's Law" Heading For Signature From Governor

vertosThe journey for House Bill 1210 through the South Dakota Legislature is nearing an end….


That was Lueteinant Governor Matt Michals declaring the bill passed out of the full Senate Tuesday. The measure allows municipalities of any size to obtain an on-sale alcohol license for an event center or auditiorum owned by a city or town. One concern epressed during Senate hearings on the bill was how HB 1210 may affect local liquor establishments. Senator Jim White of Huron says the bill provides protections for such businesses….


Senator Brock Greenfield of Clark agreed that the bill will not harm other bars and restaurants in a city, and is the best solution to fix Huron’s problem…


The Huron Event Center was left without a way to sell liquor after new owners closed the attached Verto’s restaurant and relinquished it’s licenses back to the state. HB 1210 passed the full Senate on a 34 to one vote with Senator Bill Van Gerpen voting against. As the bill moved through the legislature it received a total of 105 yes votes and three no. Due to the emergency clause the next stop is Govenor Dennis Daugaard’s desk for a signature. The bill becomes effective and binding once signed by Daugaard.