Vehicle Vandals Strike Over 100 Cars And Trucks In Huron

Huron PDOver 100 vehicles are now reported vandalized as a person or persons continue to damage cars and trucks in Huron…


Huron Police Chief Denny Meyer is asking residents to keep an eye out for activity as the vandals are making some strikes in broad daylight…


Many frustrated residents of Huron are taking to social media condemning the actions of the vandals and if the vandals are juveniles, the parents of the actors, but Meyer is warning the community to let the police do their job…


Huron Police first received seven vandalism reports on Wednesday of last week and as of Friday the number had climbed to over 30, including a Beadle County Sheriff’s vehicle. While the Huron City Commission meeting progressed Monday night a Shift Captain informed Meyer that the vandals had started again during daylight hours. Those with information should contact Huron Police at 353-8550.