Van Overschelde Sentenced For Meth Possession

A Huron man, arrested with his wife in January on drug charges will spend three years in prison. 49-year-old Darwin Van Overschelde was sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty to possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance, which turned out to be methamphetamine. Van Overschelde’s lawyer, Mary Keller told Judge Jon Erickson her client was truely a remarkable man, who was hard working and a kind man. But Keller added that Van Overschelde was a long time drug abuser, who’s only other criminal activity was a parking ticket. Keller requested a suspended imposition of sentence be granted. Erickson asked how long Van Overschedle’s wife, Deloris had been sentenced for. Beadle County Deputy States Attorney Jeff Banks could only recall that Circuit Judge Vince Foley sentenced her to time in the State Women’s prison but could not remember the term. Van Overschelde on his own behalf says he regrets the life he’s lived with drugs and that it is quote “all behind me” end quote. He says he wants to enjoy his family and that he is ready to move on. Erickson himself had concerns over the fact Van Overschelde had a methamphetamine problem for over 30 years. Erickson in addition to court costs and restitution, ordered Van Overschelde to attend a drug rehabilitation program while in prison.