The UWHR Backpack Program will resume services on Wednesday, October 3 at 2:50 pm at the TAC-Tiger Activity Center—the former Huron University Gym on the corner of 7th and Nebraska.
The program provides supplemental food items for children in Huron, Wolsey-Wessington, Iroquois and Huron HeadStart.
During the 2017-18 school year, 550 bags of food were sent home each week. Drop sites are located at First National Bank SD and Wells Fargo in the lobbies for those who wish to donate food items to the program.
Items such as microwave popcorn, individual macaroni and cheese packets, pudding cups, ramen noodles and applesauce cups are some of the items needed.
For more information or to volunteer for the program, call UWHR at 352-3537.