The Federal Emergency Management Agency issued a disaster declaration for over half the counties in South Dakota and four tribal areas.  The declaration was from a derecho storm last May 12th, severe storms including winds, tornadoes and flooding from June 11-14.  Severe winter storms from December across the state heavily impacted the Rosebud and Oglala Sioux Tribes.  Single family housing program director with Huron office of USDA Michael Matlin talks about the program.

The program for people who quality in rural South Dakota is for structural damage to homes but Matlin encourages those who sustained damage to other structures to contact them and find out if they are eligible as well.

Matlin said is homeowners have already made necessary repairs they may be eligible for reimbursement.

To find out if you are eligible for any of the assistance from the Rural Development home repair grant program from the USDA, you can contact the Huron office at 605-352-1100.  There is also a youtube webinar to view.  Just search for Rural Disaster Home Repair Grant Webinar.