Uncle Huron WANTS You! For Civil Service

The City of Huron is looking for a few good people, following the Huron City Commission meeting Monday night. Commissioners approved the resignation of Ernest Goettlich, from the Planning Commission. Goettlich resigned from the Planning Commission because he moved out-of-state. Commissioner Kerwin Haeder says the city has many boards, looking for good people to serve…


The Planning Commission term held by Goettlich goes until June 1st of 2015. Commissioners also approved a job description for a full-time Information Technology Specialist in the City. A number of Commissioners including Haeder and Mayor Dave McGirr commented that the previous part-time roll of I-T Specialist needs to be expanded…


A civil service call was issued as a part of the approval of the full-time position so an I-T specialist can be found. City officials hope to have the spot filled by the first of the year. Commissioners also approved the hiring of a part-time Library Clerk