The residents and businesses of Huron came together last year to raise the needed funds to build the aquatic center portion the Central Park project. Now city leaders want to give residents a chance to name the water park…
Mayor Dave McGirr says the name will be used in marketing the water park to the rest of South Dakota and beyond. Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau Executive Director Peggy Woolridge says namers should take the parks many feature into account when coming up with prospective titles…
[audio:|titles=centprkname2]There will be something offered in return…
[audio:|titles=centprkname3]Central Park is the city park portion of the project. The aquatic center will sit in the center of Central Park and have it’s own separate title You can get an entry form by stopping by the Chamber Office or Huron Municipal Building or by going on line. These are links to where you need to go enter your name for the water park, and McGirr says the project is on track for a May 2013 opening. The Deadline for names is March 18th.