Two Nights Left For Police Academy

Performance Radio News continues it’s trip through the Huron Citizen’s Police Academy as students take part in their next to last class. Tonight specialty officer roles will be examined. They include a look at the School Resource Officer job and that of Code Enforcement Officer. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education or DARE program will be examined also. The Police Academy class will continue with some hands-on work too. A trip to the Departments Use of Force Simulator is on the agenda. Students will be put in situations where they will need to determine, in short order, whether or not to use lethal force in a given scenario. The simulator uses an interactive computer program that projects a live action image on a large screen. The weapons used are actual firearms, modified to only release charges of carbon dioxide gas to simulate weapon recoil. They can not fire live ammunition. The Huron Citizen’s Police Academy wraps up next week.