Trial Begins In NorthStar Fake Armed Robbery

NorthStarPhotoThe trial of a Cavour man charged with grand theft for the January robbery of a Huron Corner Pantry store is underway. A five man, seven woman jury heard evidence both for and against Donnell Williams Thursday. Beadle County Deputy States Attorney Dan Nelson used testimony from three Huron police department members and two current or previous Corner Pantry employees to tie a Nebraska phone number used on Williams’ hiring paper work to text messages sent to co-worker and co-defendant Sidney Malone. Malone previously pleaded guilty to a grand theft charge for his role in the robbery. He has served his 30 day jail sentence and in exchange for the plea, agreed to testify against Williams. Huron Police Sergeant Brandon Neitzert testified that text messages between the two just before the robbery was reported and the early closing activities of Malone let police to believe the heist was an inside job. Malone testified he and Williams merely joked about stealing the money but under cross examination by Williams attorney Mary Keller, said the two were not close friends. Williams also took the stand in his own defense. When asked directly by Keller if he robbed the North Start Corner Pantry, Williams said NO. He also said the person in the grainy surveillance video appears to have small feet. Williams says he wears a size ten and a half shoe. Judge Jon Erickson did throw out a second charge against Williams. A charge of Commission of a Felony with a Firearm was dismissed. Erickson said Malone testified to the fact he knew the gun was a toy and the video evidence does not make it clear if the weapon held by the masked robber is in fact real. Closing arguments are scheduled for Friday.