Traffic Signal At Second Street Could Be Removed Two Years Early

The traffic lights at second street and Dakota Avenue may be leaving that intersection sooner than later. Huron Mayor David McGirr told Commissioners at Monday Nights City Commission meeting that the city has received a letter from the South Dakota Department of Transportation outlining issues that work crews have encountered at the intersection with brick and concrete…


Traffic counts at Second and Dakota have not met state requirements to warrant the traffic signals be the intersection, and the Second street lights were sacrificed to allow for a signal at 27th street near Wal-Mart. Under the original understanding the State DOT would reevaluate traffic counts and Second and Dakota and make a decision on keeping the signal in two years State Engineer Brad Letcher, who wrote the letter to the city as read by McGirr, when on to say removing the signals now would be the cheapest option…


The new signals being installed along Dakota Avenue would not compatible with the Second street light causing possible disruptions in traffic flow because the lights would not be in snyc with one another. The City will take up the idea at a future Commission meeting to give residents a chance to express thier concerns to the Commission.