Township Requests City Maintain 27th Street

Several residents of Theresa Township attended last night’s city commission meeting to request the city perform routine road maintenance on 27th street. In exchange the township would offer snow removal and mowing of road ditches.

The township says it doesn’t have funds to chip seal the one mile of road and would be forced to let it go back to gravel.

The street is located North of the Huron Country Club and Broadland Creek golf course.

Attorney Jay Leible of Madison spoke on behalf of the township.

Leible says the agreement would offer some positives for Huron

Earlier, former city engineer Mike Wever had put the cost of chip sealing the road at $15,000. Last night, street superintendent Jerry McCaskell estimated the cost would be closer to $18,000. The chip sealing would last about ten years.

The commission agreed to take the matter under advisement. City commissioner Bryan Smith also suggested the commission consult with the street department.