Tough Questions Expected On Vet's Home Costs

Governor Dennis Daugaard is calling a special legislative session for June 22nd to deal with cost overruns on a new Veteran’s Home at Hot Springs.  After bids were opened the cost jumped by 10-million dollars to 51-point-three million. District 20 State representative Lance Carson of Mitchell is vice-chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. He says it’s up to the legislature to approve the additional funding. Carson expects tough questions from lawmakers such as….


Carson believes left over funds from the current budget year and higher than expected revenue will cover the cost. Daugaard is disappointed with the architect but says the extra $10-million dollars must be spent to build a quality facility. The state landed a $23.6-million dollar federal grant to help pay for the project but must have its share of the money in place by June 30th to keep it.