Thune Talks Trade, Agriculture and Infrastructure During Appearance in Huron

With Congress in recess this week, South Dakota’s senior senator is traveling the state giving constituents a “Washington Update”.

During a stop in Huron today, Thune talked about the President’s ambitious infrastructure plan.

Thune says he doesn’t believe there is enough support among lawmakers to finance a bill of that magnitude.

However, Thune believes there are some things Congress can do in the areas of rural broadbrand, roads and bridges.

Thune says lawmakers will also be looking at other opportunities to improve infrastructure.

Thune says he is hearing from agriculture producers who are concerned about a trade war with China. He says he shares their concerns.

Thune says the fact that China holds a large amount of U.S. debt could have serious consequences.

Thune spoke today during the noon meeting of the Kiwanis Club at the Huron Event Center.