On a cold Monday in mid-April U.S. Senator John Thune toured an engorged Lake Thompson and told landowners around the lake he and South Dakota’s Congressional delegation would work to prevent a repeat of the massive flooding on the lake. Thune says those areas flooded first in the spring have gotten lost in the shuffle…
Thune admits it’s unlikely any federal help to prevent flooding on Thompson and other lakes affected this spring has made it to the areas that need it yet…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/09/thunethompsonhelp2.mp3|titles=thunethompsonhelp2]Thune told reporters on the north shore of the Kingsbury County lake on April 18th controlling flooding on Lake Thompson would require a mulit-year, multi-county effort to control drainage into the lake.