Texting Now A No-No In Huron

Huron’s texting ban is now law. The ordinance regulating use of electronic devices while driving in Huron’s city limits became offical Thursday. The ban makes composing and sending a text message or e-mail illegal. Huron Chief of Police Gary Will, Jr….


Also included as a primary offense is any use of an electronic device by a school bus driver with passengers on board, people with an instructional permit and restricted minors permits. Use of a phone for calling in an emergency is the only exception for those groups. Many people have wondered about texting while at a stop sign or stop light. Will says that’s fine, however…


Talking on a phone is still ok…


The primary offenses are 100-dollar fines plus court costs. The distracted driving part of the ordinance is a secondary offense with a 15 dollar fine plus court costs..


Some people are wondering how police will know if they’ve been texting..


Huron police will use the month of January as a “grace” period for drivers to get used to the new restrictions and will issue mainly warning tickets before dealing out citations.   You can hear more from Chief Will about the by listening to the interview he did with News Director Zach Nelson in November of last year during the Coffee Talk Show by selecting the audio player below:

2012 awards Gary Willl texting coffee talk