The Huron Public Safety Committee wants more information before proceeding with a recommendation to ban texting while driving in Huron. The item was tabled Tuesday at the Public Safety Committee’s monthly meeting. Police Chief Gary Will, Jr. says Huron’s proposed texting ban is taken from a similar ban recently approved in Sioux Falls…
City Attorney Gerry Kaufman says wording such an ordinance is critical…
[audio:|titles=textban2]Huron Traffic Superintendent Troy Merriam likes the idea but wants more information…
[audio:|titles=textban3]Beadle County Sheriff Doug Solem wondered how much drivers would fight the text ban tickets…
[audio:|titles=textban4]Solem debated his points with Will..
[audio:|titles=textban5]The group will wait on a making a recommendation to the Huron City Commission until it can review data from states that have enacted cell phone and texting bans. Will says it could take up to two months to get data from Sioux Falls once it’s texting ban takes effect.
- You can hear the entire texting ban conversation held by the Huron Public Safety Committee by starting the audio player below:[audio:|titles=texting ban meeting]