Temporary Municipal Sales Tax Bill Passes Senate

MoneyOn a 19-14 vote, the South Dakota Senate has approved Senate Bill 135. It will allow cities to implement a sales tax for a limited time for infrastructure needs. The sponsor is Senator Corey Brown of Gettysburg who says the legislation began as a proposal from the municipal league several years ago. It will allow cities to raise the sales tax by a penny if voters approve the increase…


District 4 Senator Jim Peterson of Revillo opposed the legislation saying there are lots of people who will be paying the tax that won’t get a chance to vote on it…


Peterson says that sales tax dollars need to be preserved because it’s the main income source for the state. Senator Brock Greenfield of Clark echoed Peterson’s feelings saying he too opposed the measure. Greenfield says this bill only benefit the state’s largest communities…


However, Senator Ray Tieszen of Rapid City supported the bill…


The City of Huron is one of many municipalities to approve motions of support for the measure.