Tax Levy Cap With Ag Land Assessments Could Impact Schools

MoneyThe Ag Land Assessment Task Force of the South Dakota Legislature has passed a proposal that would cap the tax levy allowed for the capital outlay fund of school districts.  The legislature allowed school boards to use some of those capital outlay funds to supplement their general funds. Property tax payers have complained those levies have risen faster than others. Task force members said forty school districts are taxing at the maximum of three dollars per thousand.  Wade Pogany, executive director of the Associated School Boards of South Dakota told the panel he hoped there was a compromise out there…

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Pogany says cutting the levy would have a direct impact on school districts…

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Pogany says he isn’t sure how his board will react to the proposed cap…

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The bill was amended to limit capital outlay increases to three percent or less each year. The bill now moves to the 2015 session.