The trial for a Sioux Falls man charged with sex crimes against under-aged females in his now closed bar and dance club has been pushed back to August. Werner Fajardo’s trial on 15 separate charges including multiple counts of rape is now set to begin August 15th, after Judge Jon Erickson granted a continuance. Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says the judge also granted a defense motion for a telephone survey…
Attorney Carmen Means requested the phone survey over concerns that Fajardo would not be able to receive a fair trial in Beadle County due to what she felt we’re strong negative feelings among some residents about the number of ethnic groups in the county. The results may play into a defense motion to move the trial out of Huron. Moore says the calls should begin with in the week. Also in the balance is a request by at least two media outlets, including Performance Radio to gain expanded electronic coverage of the Fajardo case.