Supreme Court Ruling Has Impact On Your Medicine Cabinet

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – There could be a legal problem lurking among the pills and potions in your medicine cabinet. According to Allison Zieve, an attorney who is director of litigation for the watchdog group Public Citizen, most people are not aware that when you take generic drugs, you may have unwittingly surrendered some of your legal rights, because of a 2011 Supreme Court ruling.


Zieve said the original FDA rules covering generic vs. brand-name drugs were written years ago. But now, the FDA is proposing a change which would allow the makers of generic drugs in many circumstances to modify their labels to add newly-discovered risks or side effects, without going through a government approval process.


Often, generic drugs are much less expensive than name-brand drugs, which accounts for their popularity. Zieve says people should not feel that generic drugs are less safe than brand-name drugs, but it’s wise to get the latest information about risks and side effects.


The FDA has been accepting comments about this proposed change, and Zieve said you can go online at to voice your opinion. She also pointed out that most consumers don’t really choose whether they get generic drugs or not: that decision is often made by a doctor, pharmacist or insurance company. She added that if you have concerns about the safety or side-effects of a drug you’ve been prescribed, you should discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist.