The stop light at 2nd street and Dakota Avenue will be no more, but removal of the traffic signal did not go down without a fight. No one from the community showed up to give public input on the possibility of losing the light, which is located near a bar and movie theater. Public Safety Commissioner Kerwin Haeder says most of those he’s talked with expressed interest in keeping the light….
Traffic counts at the intersection were less than 50-percent of the volume that would warrant a light to be placed at the location. Commissioner Mark Robish got input from businesses could be affected by the lights removal…
[audio:|titles=stlight2]The fate of the 2nd street light was to be determined in 3 years, but since traffic flows are not likely to get to a level that would warren a signal, the State says removing the light while work crews finish the existing traffic light project could save the city money, a move Robish Mayor Dave McGirr and Commissioner Dale Schenider all agree with. With Commissioner Jan Manolis absent from the meeting, a ruling on the light came to a roll call vote…
[audio:|titles=stlight3]The city intends to use parts from the old lights coming down to keep other street lights in downtown Huron, that are off of State Highway that is Dakota Avenue in working order for up to 10 years.