A change within the leadership of the Huron School district is approaching.  Day three in a series call Meet Dr Steinhoff.  The incoming superintendent for the Huron School system Graduated from Northwestern high school in Mellette and from USD in Vermillion.  He has served at Superintendent in Oakes, ND school district for 5 years. Prior to that he directed the SE Regional Technology center in North Dakota

Just under one year ago with the onset of Coronavirus, schools were challenged.  Steinhoff talks about the experience with Covid at the Oakes School system.

While in many parts of the country schools remained closed this past fall.  Steinhoff talks about what their approach would be.

With much to learn and absorb about a new opportunity with the Huron School system, Dr Steinhoff said what parts of the process have been a great highlight for him.

More tomorrow with Meet Dr Steinhoff during news on performance radio.